Product innovation often arises from new and unique insights. Understanding users and consumers is the key to gaining these insights and creating products which connect with people, enhance their lives and inspire loyalty.
At IDC we undertake design research and user observation to really understand the inner-workings of consumer behaviour. This allows us to generate relevant concepts and develop them through the design process to useful desirable products.
Research techniques include:
Controlled user testing is a key part of our medical product developments. We are experienced in tailor-making research programmes to investigate user behavior in a controlled environment. This includes:
The information we glean from human factors research can be directly fed back at early design stages to check direction and function requirements, and also at a later stage in the development to test usability and product validation.
We gather information from many established and specialist sources as well as our own observations, to gain an understanding of users' physical and cognitive requirements from the products we are designing.
We also actively seek expert input into specialist areas to inform our design process, for example to gain an understanding of pain perception to improve the performance of lancing devices, or working directly with anaesthetists when developing a laryngoscope.
In order to ensure that the theoretical data is providing good guidance, we constantly prototype and test our designs through all phases of the design process.
From simple foam modelling to test and iterate early concepts, to functional prototypes which mimic the mechanical function and material behaviour, we ensure our designs are kept on track in all phases of development.