IDC Showcases Award-Winning Medical Products at Arab Health

Amongst several award-winning devices, the product design and development team will be showcasing a significantly lower cost, high quality Automatic Electro Difibrillator (AED) used to train professionals and amateurs how to restart the heart. Newly launched to market by Chinese client XFT Shenzhen Xunfengtong, the AED sits alongside IDC’s previous design for the company, the XFT CPR Assistant. As the first product to couple spoken life-saving instructions with a cleverly sculpted head and neck support for optimum CPR positioning, as well as a friendly price tag, the CPR Assistant is already attracting much attention. The life saving product, used for both training and emergency, is being introduced at Shenzhen airport as well as the Asian Games.

AED trainer

Many other ground-breaking designs will also be on show including: a revolutionary type of insulin pen which has won multiple awards; the world’s first personal ECG (Electrocardiogram) heart monitor for Medick Healthcare; as well as a pioneering LMA LoTrach™ Cuff Pressure Controller for LMA LoTrach™ Endotracheal and Tracheostomy tubes that help prevent lung infections such as pneumonia in intensive care patients for Venner Trading (Singapore) Pte Ltd.

Commissioned by Wockhardt for the Indian market, IDC’s insulin pen design promises to help transform diabetes care. With virtually all elements of the conventional insulin pens patented, IDC’s in house team of designers and engineers devised an exceptionally improved alternative design. The result was a disposable and reusable pen that is significantly affordable, highly functional and easy to use for Indian consumers. The product’s innovative design also caught the eye of the judges at last year’s iDEA, who awarded IDC best ‘Product Design Innovation’ and ‘Design Collaboration’. The device has also been widely praised by the medical industry.

Insulin pen

Designed and manufactured for Medick Healthcare within a six month period, the portable Medick Heart Monitor (MHM 100) introduces a remote way of recording ECG data for consumers without stepping foot inside a hospital. It combines conventional techniques found in ECG monitors with neural network technology. Users can view their own heart patterns on the integrated LCD screen. As the consumer wears the monitor, IDC was tasked with creating a design that would be discrete, comfortable, easy to view and simple to use, whilst still appealing to a consumer audience of a wide age range and technical awareness.

The LMA LoTrach™ Cuff Pressure Controller, designed for Venner Trading (Singapore) Pte Ltd, works with the innovative and lifesaving LMA LoTrach™ Endotracheal and Tracheostomy tubes. The system inflates a sealing cuff around the airway to prevent liquids entering the lungs and causing a potentially fatal infection. IDC created a robust, upgraded product to meet all the needs of the Intensive Care unit from a fully working prototype that monitors and controls the inflation pressure within the sealing cuff to ensure effective sealing without causing patient discomfort.

IDC will also be illustrating how such medical clients have benefited enormously from its dedicated model making service (, which reduces the time and risk often associated with developing new medical products by producing rapid prototype models within a matter of hours. The durable materials and fine accuracy (0.05mm) make it suitable for even the most complex, small scale medical devices and functional mechanisms. Sample parts will also be available to see in Hall 7, Stand B10.
14 January 2010