Improving accuracy in identifying foot ulcers

Thermal Imaging Device

Improving accuracy in
identifying foot ulcers

The Thermology Health thermal imaging device is the result of a collaboration between IDC and the National Physical Laboratory to create a product that facilitates full foot temperature mapping and is ten times more accurate than existing products.

Unparalleled clinical temperature measurement

We worked alongside Thermology Health to develop a world-leading thermal imaging device in the clinical temperature monitoring space. The product is targeted at identifying the early signs of diabetic foot ulceration; Due to the lack of sensation and poor mobility in diabetic patients, damage to the foot can easily go unnoticed and lead to infection, ulceration and ultimately amputation.

With an average of 20-30 people per day requiring an amputation in the UK alone, costing the NHS an estimated £1.1bn per annum, it is clear that this issue presents a significant social and economic challenge.

thermal imaging device

Concept design to CE Certification in just 4 months

IDC became involved in the development of this product to accelerate Thermology Health's work and develop a CE and UKCA certified product in just 4 months. Building on some initial prototype work that NPL had created previously, IDC went through industrial design and usability phases, mechanical and electrical concept generation, design for manufacture, software design, prototyping and full certification in this short time frame. Delivering a product that is easy to use and incredibly accurate.

thermal imaging device

This project drew on all of IDCs core capabilities; requiring close collaboration between engineering, electronics, software and ID as well as rapid prototyping, to deliver a CE and UKCA marked device in under 5 months. I am incredibly proud of the team and their work to deliver the project in a seemingly impossible time frame.

Michal Uhman, Project Manager IDC
thermal imaging device

Full user interface design & software development

With the dramatically improved measurement accuracy this product is capable of, IDC were challenged to design and implement all the necessary electronics hardware and software capable of delivering this. Furthermore, we also lead the design of the graphical user interface (GUI) which delivers an intuitive user experience for clinicians to take temperature measurements quickly and simply.

thermal imaging device

Our involvement in this development project:

  • Research and specification
  • Mechanical engineering
  • Industrial design
  • Electronics hardware design
  • UX/UI design
  • Software engineering
  • Colour, material and finish
  • Prototype manufacture
  • Full CAD design for manufacture
  • 2D engineering drawings
  • Product assembly for clinical trials
  • CE and UKCA self-certification
  • Technical file documentation

thermal imaging device

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