Improving durability advancing dentistry

E Tip – Dental Spray Polishing Tool

Improving durability
advancing dentistry

By applying knowledge of high-tech ceramic materials, the IDC-designed E-Tip has a product life over ten times the best performing competitor.

IDC was commissioned to design a new dental head for OSspray to work with their air cleaning powder Sylc™. Sylc™ is a highly effective dental treatment powder, which forms a mineral deposition as it is delivered through dental air-polisher equipment during treatment.

Traditional air-polishing equipment can result in powder overspray, frustrating to both patient and dentist. Additionally the air polishing tip is a disposable item and has to be replaced frequently.

IDC needed to overcome these problems by designing the product to be wear resistant, provide long lasting performance and ease of use for the handlers.

IDC worked as a true "partner" with OSspray through all the design phases; from concept through to production. IDC also provided additional benefits utilising its on site workshop for prototyping, clinical build and testing.

IDC's engineering team spent considerable time researching different materials, manufacturing processes and delivery paths for the new nozzle.

IDC designed a product which not only improved ergonomics and aesthetics for better handling by dental clinicians, but also enhanced the spray pattern of the dental powder to give a more focused delivery whilst reducing unwanted overspray.

Dr. Ian Thompson, Technical Director of OSspray explains, "IDC has enabled OSspray to transform from an innovative powder supplier to a producer and manufacturer of dental equipment; Sylc™ is now a full treatment solution. IDC has been on time and on budget, and we couldn't have done this without them."