Low cost, inflatable and efficient, SolarStore provides over 60 litres of water per day at 80°C. Conceived and developed by IDC, SolarStore is now providing free hot water to families in North Africa and the Middle East
Carbon footprints, sustainability and 'Going Green' are all concepts that have taken on a very important meaning in light of climate change and increasingly diminishing natural resources.
As part of an in-house initiative towards developing low carbon technology, SolarStore was designed by IDC as a cost-effective, inflatable solar collector, used to heat water harnessing the free power of the sun. The savings on monthly energy bills surpassed the products cost much faster than most other solar water heating systems available today.
Constructed out of heavy-duty polymer, the patent pending SolarStore is both robust and flexible, and can be used in a variety of different settings. When deflated it is small enough to pack into a rucksack, yet can inflate to nearly 2 square meters for maximum solar energy absorption.
Used primarily for domestic outdoor applications, SolarStore can provide up to 3 full tanks per day at temperatures nearing 80 degrees Celsius. This is the equivalent of enough water to wash a car 18 times over, at a temperature hotter than most domestic hot water systems.
IDC understands that environmental sustainability and eco-friendliness are important factors in this day and age and strives to achieve this through sustainable and considerate design.