How do you ensure a successful medical product development? Stephen Knowles advises.
IDC’s MD, Stephen Knowles, gives his thoughts about the latest medical innovations and IDC’s focus for the year in the UK and China.
IDC is proud to announce it has once again achieved certification for both ISO 13485 and ISO 9001, throughout its UK and China operations.
Industrial Design Consultancy (IDC) used its unique cultural design experience to develop the G3 sleep apnoea device for Chinese medical company, BMC.
IDC’s Nick Brown discusses the five essential points to think about when planning design for motion systems.
IDC’s MD reviews the highlights of 2018 and forecasts what lies ahead for the medical device industry in 2019.
IDC’s MD, Stephen Knowles, gives his thoughts about trends for medical devices in 2018.
IDC advises on the best approach for naming products for China.
IDC has created ready-made IoT modules that can be integrated with electronic devices for a huge range of applications.
The new European Medical Devices Regulation (MDR) came into force on May 25th to replace the Medical Devices Directive (93/42/EEC) and Active Implantable Medical Devices Directive (90/385/EEC).
Focusing on the user, IDC redeveloped a mature product to make it become a market leader.
IDC is celebrating 45 years of extraordinary design achievements!