Ergonomic benefits user flexibility

Teller Cash Recycling Machine

Ergonomic benefits
user flexibility

IDC worked alongside De La Rue’s team to engineer a modular TCR machine that could be used in different configurations while being ergonomic for users.

IDC was commissioned to develop an ergonomic Teller Cash Recycling (TCR) machine that could be used in a number of different locations, was easy to maintain and with an external appearance that was similar across the range.

IDC was involved in the concept design and development, block modelling and engineering design work, all with specific design considerations.

The Vertera cash recycler was designed to provide greater flexibility for the workplace. Its compact, under-counter design ensured that the TCR machine could be positioned in close proximity to the operator, reducing physical issues that can be associated with work-related tasks. This in turn delivered ease-of-use and efficiency of operations.

The ergonomic design of the machine not only addressed the health and safety issues associated with the use of the system, but also helped improve both time and cost efficiencies.

In terms of the design, the TCR machine is compact and provides the flexibility to fit in seamlessly with the working environment, whether the operator is standing, sitting or both.